Managing Workplace Stress

Managing Workplace Stress

A Rockstar Performance Program Topic

Take control of your work-life balance with our Managing Workplace Stress session at Rockstar Workforce! You’ll learn to identify and manage the seven common types of workplace stressors, balance their impacts, and develop personalized strategies to mitigate them.

Understand how stress affects productivity, health, and morale, and gain tools to tackle stress head-on. Through assessments, personalized reports, and group activities, you’ll create a customized plan to reduce stress and improve your well-being. Join us to boost your productivity, enhance your health, and foster a positive work environment.

Program materials include:


Stress quotient assessment


Personalized workplace stress report


Ongoing text message reminders

Rockstar Workforce Public Leadership Programs

Rockstar Workforce presents a comprehensive 3-track leadership development program, designed to nurture and enhance the skills of leaders at every stage of their career — from emerging to senior positions.

Foundations Program

Our first program, FOUNDATIONS, was created with everyone in mind. Whether you’re an experienced manager or just starting your career, you need a foundation of leadership. This program is designed to master interpersonal communication, enhance emotional intelligence, and excel in conflict resolution.

Rockstar Foundations consists of the following four sessions:

Personal Leadership Profile

Dynamic Communication

Developing & Applying Emotional Intelligence

Managing Conflict

Performance Program

Our second program, PERFORMANCE, is designed to unleash your Rockstar abilities and maximize your performance. These sessions will challenge you to be your best and operate at your peak.

Rockstar Performance consists of the following 5 sessions:

Developing Strategic Thinking Skills

Setting & Achieving Goals

Managing Workplace Stress

Maximize Your Time & Increase Productivity

Unlocking Creativity for Effective Problem Solving

Results Program

Our third program, RESULTS, was created for people that are managing a team or several teams. Empower your people to reach their full potential by mastering goal-setting, strategic thinking, time management, and creative problem solving.

Rockstar Results consists of the following 5 sessions:

Creating a Culture of Accountability

Analyzing & Developing Performance Gaps

Delegating with Confidence

Realtime Coaching

Building a High Performing Team

Cultivate skills, drive performance and achieve results with public leadership program from Rockstar Workforce.